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粉內,一個迷人跨流派音樂二人組,於2016年夏季在美國佛羅里達州嶄露頭角。由來自台灣的創作歌手兼鍵盤手Suzy和具有巴拿馬和圭亞那血統的優秀鼓手和說唱歌手Phil組成,粉內以其獨特的嘻哈、爵士、流行、節奏藍調、饒舌和電子音樂影響著觀眾。他們的音樂才華超越了流派,通過Suzy的飄渺歌聲和菲利普的動感說唱,創造出一種令人電擊式的融合,將中文和英文巧妙交織。Phil曾經在紐約傳奇錄音室Eletric Lady Studio 工作, Suzy 曾跨界跟范宗沛等演奏家合作曲,更以她視覺設計擅長2D,3D融入音樂。粉內是新世代無法忽略的組合。

Fi-Né, a captivating cross-genre musical duo, emerged in the summer of 2016 in Florida, USA. Comprising Taiwanese singer-songwriter and keyboardist Suzy, along with talented drummer and rapper Phil, who has Panamanian and Guyanese heritage, Fi-Né captivates audiences with their unique blend of hip-hop, jazz, pop, R&B, rap, and electronic music. Their musical talents transcend genres, creating an electrifying fusion through Suzy's ethereal vocals and Phil's dynamic rap, seamlessly intertwining Chinese and English. Phil once worked at New York’s legendary Electric Lady Studio, and Suzy has collaborated across genres with musicians like Van Tsung-pei, while also incorporating her expertise in 2D and 3D visual design into their music. Fi-Né is a new-generation duo that cannot be overlooked.

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          Philip is a drummer, percussionist, lyricist, music producer, recording engineer, mix engineer, sound designer, jeweler, and skateboarder. He, much like Susan, tends to keep to himself and values the skill sets others have. He’s always trying to work with others to create something bigger than himself, and he loves to help people bring their ideas to life. Philip graduated from Full Sail University in Orlando, Florida. He worked for PSAV in Charlotte, NC. He moved to New York to work for Electric Lady Sound Studios , participated recording session such as Adele, Lorde, Usher, and U2…etc. After that he opened a studio in White Stone, Queens. During his time in New York he was working on the hand production of upscale jewelry for stores like SVS, Harry Winston, Tiffany and Co., Bayco, and many more.

Suzy is an AR artist, animator, vocalist, artist, music producer, model, clothing designer, visual artist, and a classically trained pianist. There is so much more to her than meets the eye and she rarely lets anyone know what she’s fully capable of. Susan worked for AVEX, a major international music label. Susan toured around the world with many major artists. She also assisted on major studio projects in studio for artists like A-Lin. Susan also graduated from Full Sail University in Orlando Florida. After she graduated she hosted shows in Orlando for upcoming artists and talents. She's also a very talented 2D/3D artist, that had several art shows in NYC and Orlando.

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